기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-21 18:46:47

▲ [사진=태영호 인스타그램]

○ 영국 시간으로 21일 월요일 오전 9시 (한국 시간으로 21일 월요일 오후 6시) 영국 외무장관에게 국회 외교통일위원회 소속 태영호 의원 (국민의힘, 서울 강남갑)과 영국 상원의원 데이비드 올턴 경 등 여러 국회의원들과 인권활동가들이 공동으로 서명한 서한이 전달되게 된다.


○ 서한에는 대북전단금지법(남북관계 발전법 개정안) 4조와 25조를 원문 그대로 구체적으로 언급되어 있으며 앞으로 한국 정부의 승인 없이는 전단과 USB, CD, 성경책 등의 물품도 북중 국경을 통해 북한에 반입하면 처벌 받을 수 있는 ‘법의 모호성’이 지적되어 있다.

○ 서한은 이 개정안의 목적이 북한 인권과 종교 활동가들의 목소리를 침묵하게 만드는 것으로 한국의 헌법에서 보장하는 표현과 종교의 자유를 감안하면 기본권을 희생시키고 민주주의와 인권을 옹호하는 활동을 범죄화하는 것은 남북관계에 있어 옳은 접근 방식이 아니라고 비판하였다.  

○ 서한은 도미니크 라브 영국 외무장관에게 대북전단금지법에 대한 의견을 표명하고, 특히 유엔안전보장이사회 상임이사국으로서 한국 정부에게 법안 통과를 재고하도록 촉구할 것을 희망한다고 끝맺고 있다.  

○ 태영호 의원은 서한 공동서명 의미에 대해 “지난 14일 대북전단금지법 필리버스터를 통해 개정안은 군사분계선 일대에서의 대북 전단 금지만이 아닌 북중 국경에서의 전단을 포함한 물품 반입 금지 등 폭넓게 해석될 수 있는 위험성을 지적했음에도 여당은 다수의석을 앞세워 14일 국회 본회의에서 통과시켰다. 이번 개정안이 ‘살포’ 라는 개념을 너무 폭 넓게 정하고 있어 전단살포금지를 ‘군사분계선 일대’로 한정하고 있는  4·27 판문점선언의 정신에도 맞지 않는다. 지금이라도 문재인 대통령은 법률안 거부권을 행사하여 법이 명확성의 원칙에 부합되도록 권고해야 한다”라고 밝혔다. 

○ 영국 상원의원 올턴경은‘북한 문제에 관한 초당파 의원 모임(APPG NK)’의 공동의장이자 영국 내 대표적인 지한파로, 20년 가까이 북한 인권 문제에 관심을 보여왔다. 탈북자들을 영국 의회 청문회에 초대하여 북한 인권실상을 외부에 알리는데 앞장서 왔다. 특히 북한 인권 문제 해법으로 ‘한반도판 헬싱키 프로세스’를 제시하고 있다. 

다음은 공동서한 원문이다.

21 December, 2020

The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP

Secretary of State 

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

King Charles Street

London SW1A 2AH

Dear Foreign Secretary,


We are writing to bring to your attention and with our grave concerns legislation which was passed by the National Assembly on 14 December 2020 in South Korea, to amend the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act. This amendment is now awaiting the signature and approval of President Moon Jae-in. 

If enacted, the amendment would criminalise the distribution of materials or broadcasting via loudspeakers and posting of placards information directed at North Korea in the inter-Korean border areas. Such materials would include leaflets, USB flash drives, CDs, books, and Biblical materials to North Korea through third countries, such as China without governmental approval. The amendment reads as follows:

5. The term “leaflets, etc.” means leaflets, goods (including promotional and propaganda materials, print materials and auxiliary storage devices), money or other property interests.

6. The term “dissemination” means the act of distributing to unspecified multiple persons in North Korea or moving to North Korea leaflets, etc. (including simply moving leaflets, etc. via a third country. Hereinafter the same shall apply) for the purpose of propaganda and gift, etc. without approval in accordance with article 13 or article 20 of the Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation Act

Article 25 (Penal provisions) (1) Any person who violates Article 24 (1) shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding thirty million won; provided that the same shall not apply to cases where the effect of the inter-Korean agreements (limited to the ones that stipulate the prohibited act under each subparagraph of Article 24 (1)) has been suspended in accordance with article 23 (2) and (3).

For more details on this amendment, please find the attached briefing of the Development of the inter-Korean Relations Act.

The purpose of this bill is to silence North Korean human rights and religious activities and voices from South Korean soil, in pursuit of the development of improved inter-Korean relations. However, sacrificing such basic freedoms and criminalising activities that promote democracy and human rights are not the right approaches to inter-Korean relations, especially given South Korea’s democratic constitutional rule of law, based on protection for basic human rights of freedom of speech, expression, and religion or belief. 

If this bill is signed into law by President Moon Jae-in, there are no more platforms on the Korean peninsula for promoting North Koreans’ human rights and dignity as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This is a great undermining of the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the democratic family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace. Moreover, this will cause great social and political insecurity for over 33,000 North Korean escapees residing in Seoul, despite their status as recognised South Korean nationals under the one Korea policy.  

We understand that the United Kingdom continues to support the peacebuilding process and human rights on the Korean peninsula. This was one of the reasons Her Majesty’s Government had provided tens of thousands of British soldiers and suffered thousands of casualties during the Korean War of 1950-53. Unfortunately, Korea’s division remains until today and the human rights violations and nuclear development in the DPRK cause great security tension and peace threats in the Asian Pacific and beyond. 

Given the British Government’s efforts to address the current situation in Korea, we urge you to speak out regarding these concerns about the amendment to the Inter-Korean Relations Act, and to raise these issues with the Government of the Republic of Korea as a matter of urgency. As a UN Security Council Member and a leading proponent of sanctions on the DPRK in view of the regime’s nuclear programme and human rights violations, we hope the United Kingdom will urge South Korea to reconsider this amendment.

Please do not hesitate to request further information about the amendment to the Inter-Korean Relations Act Amendment. You can contact us through Lord Alton of Liverpool. 

Yours sincerely,

Lord Alton of Liverpool, Co-Chair All Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea,

Thae Yong-ho, Former DPRK Deputy Ambassador to the United Kingdom London &Member of the South Korean National Assembly

Ji Seong-ho, North Korean escapee & Member of the South Korean NationalAssembly

Timothy Cho, British-North Korean escapee & Inquiry Clerk to the All-ParliamentaryGroup on North Korea

Benedict Rogers, Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party Human RightsCommission and Senior Analyst, East Asia, at CSW

Jihyun Park, British-North Korean escapee & Human Rights Activist

Dr. Jieun Baek, Fellow at Belfer Centre, Harvard Kennedy School & Founder/Codirectorof Lumen

Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director, Committee For Human rights in North Korea.


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